Dominican Republic

1st flight & snow eating
So… the 1st flight I’ve ever taken in my life was back in 1982, December to be exact. I was almost 9 years old. My mother bought me a ticket New York City from Santo Domingo where I was born. I flew alone with a flight attendant that checked up on me constantly.
I was scared, nervous, yet super excited to see my mother after a few months apart. My mother always called me and told me about the cold snow and that soon we were going to be together again. And when that day came, I remember landing and seeing the most magical snow falling and my excitement to touch and feel the snow was amazing, but more amazing was seeing my beautiful mother again.
So, I landed safely, thank God! and in the airport the flight attendant handed me to my mother, she hugged me, kissed me and I felt her love, I was super excited to be with my mother again, a feeling I can’t explain, a feeling that brings me tears of joy. Being separated from my mother for a few years on and off was very lonely. Yes, I was well taken care of, my mother sent me tons of toys, clothing, foods, money, but it was her, my focal point. And that moment in NYC was glorious for me. Finally again, next to my mother. My mother bundled me in a jacket and I was happy.
My biological father was in the car waiting for us, I had no idea who he was, for I didn’t spend with him, enough to remember anyways, my family tells me stories of how much he loved me and was there the first three years of my life, before my mother divorcing him. Anyways… I am diverting, that story is much too deep, emotional and not relevant at this time.
I remember being shy when I got in the car as he said hello to me, holding me and trying to hug me, and I remember keeping away, my mother was grabbing me by my arm, telling me say hello, this is. your father. Well, I was clueless and his cold dry energy lacking enthusiasm, didd not help at all. My father was a quiet guy from what I remember, years later after spending time with him.
Back to my NYC snow experience. When my father dropped us off at my mother’s salon Washington Height, I was greeted with so much love from my very cool grandparents, my aunts, my mother’s friends and all, but all I wanted to do was play in the snow. My mother took me outside, we played in the snow and I was so amazed by the cold white fluffy particles, that it was like nothing I have ever seen before in my life. I was soooo mesmerized by the snow, that I had to taste it and it was amazing, I ate snow, it melts in my mouth and that was my first excitement in NYC ever.