North America
GERMANY, EUROPE – Sooo, we spent hours driving theourhg Germany’s countryside, which was stunningly clean, beautiful, farms miles away from each other and good side of the road food stops. We drove through Munich, which was architectural beautiful, clean and massive, we decide not to stay because we wanted to get to our Austrian destination to visit my family. Big mistake, we should have stayed. Working on going back to explore.
CONNETICUT, USA – I’ve visited this state many times, being next to New York. I’ve been to Foxwoods Casino for the weekend and that was fun in other ways for me, the food and spending time with friends at the suite, because I don’t gamble. My other reason for visiting CT a few times was to get my gold clubs fitted for my height. Yes, that is where professional go to get their gold clubs fitted to increase more accuracy and games. When I mean fitted, I mean my clubs have been altered for me specifically. It’s an expensive service and very much worth it. And, yes, I played gold for many years. Other than that… I have not truly experience CT.
TEXAS, USA – So…. I did stay in Austin for three days and I once did and flight connection at Austin airport for a few hours. My weekend in Austin was spent ridding horses at Mexican singer’s ranch Joan Sebastian. That is the only reason I went, my friend had several horses and his horses were trained at Sebastian’s ranch. Other than horse ridding, I spent my days alone at my friends house.
WASHINGTON, D.C., USA – I’ve passed through D.C. many times, especially when driving down to Florida with my family. And the only time I’ve gone into busy D.C. was to do a friend a favor, my friend Michael had no easy way of getting to college with all her luggage, it was her first year of college and so I drove her, helped her move. I drove from Rockland County, NY then to Long Island to pick her up at her grandparaunrents and then headed south to D.C., it was an early and long trip. Driving back home, I got stuck in the loop for 3 hours and then got stuck on 95north for 4 hours. My friend Mihal, graduated from Law school and landed a fantastic job as a corporate attorney for a mayor company in NYC. I reached out to her many times to keep in touch and check up on her and no true response. Then one day I needed some small legal advice and she did not even want to listen to me, brushed me off, telling me she was very busy. Well, well, well, I was also very busy, took the day off from work to help her out willingly and happily, but people do have short term memory. On a better note, I did drive myself pass the White House area, saw it from far away and planning to visit soon.
MASSACHUSETTS, USA – I’ve been in Boston for the day, very beautiful city and great food. Other than that, I have not explored this beautiful state. Been in this state to pick up fitness equipment a few times for our previous business, but those were road trips and no exploration in mind.
WEST VIRGINIA, USA – I promised myself to never step foot in WV ever again. This state almost claimed my life and you will not believe what happened. We went to pick up some fitness equipment for our fitness business as Ebay power sellers, the people I had negotiated with, where an extremely racist family, KKK and I found that out when they realized I was not white. The called me a spic, a nigger and pointed riffles at me. I ran away from them in fear, we got followed, it was one of the scariest experiences I’ve ever had. West Virginia, NO THANK YOU.
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